
Register for School

Register your children if they are going to either 4th or 5th grade.

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Registeration for Full-Time School

Register your children if they are going to either 4th or 5th grade.

Walk Club

Join us everyday one our hour before Maghreb for a walk in the Compton park.
Season: from August to May 
Walk Club Pictures

BBQ Night

We have had some exotic BBQ food since the start of this program.  Stay tuned for the next event In Shaa Lah.  Do NOT miss out.
BBQ Nights Pictures
Coming Soon...
A Full Size 
In Shaa Lah
What is a Zarb? Watch the progress of the Masjid Zarb

Women's Lectures

Join us everyday one our hour before Maghreb for a walk in the Compton park.
Season: from March to May 
Lectures Topics

Masjid Open Day

The Islamic Society of Central Louisiana hosts an Open Masjid event every year.  
We invite our city officials, our neighbors, our local businesses, and clergy members of all faiths to join us for a pleasant gathering at our Masjid. Our aim is to raise awareness about Islam and Muslims and to build bridges of understanding in the hopes of strengthening the fabric of our vibrant Alexandria community.  
The event also serve as a platform to join and share ideas for working together toward a healthier community free of hatred and intolerance.

Open House Pictures
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